<%@LANGUAGE="JAVASCRIPT" CODEPAGE="65001"%> Office of Research and Development

The Technical Services Division

The Practical Training Division

The Career Planning Division

The Practical Training Division

  1. Matching with the courses, to build up the necessary software and hardware equipments,
  2. To provide the update information of the technology development,
  3. For practical training purpose, to recommend the students to work at the industrial workshops.
  4. To organize the research software and hardware equipments and to provide the related administrative services,
  5. To formulate the related practical training regulations,
  6. To encourage the design of the new practical training equipments,
  7. To hold the practical training issue seminar,

Contact information:

name :Chen Yan-Ling
Phone:886-2-2782-1862 ext 155
Fax: 886-2-2654-8161
E-mail: melodychen@cc.cust.edu.tw